
News & Events

GOSVAL - Temple of Total Health

blog post
Jun 22.2022

Yoga for Humanity...

Yoga for Humanity: 8th International Yoga Day celebrated at Maitreya Ayurveda Ashra...

blog post
Jul 31.2022

Vakwadi Gurukula Educatio...

Dr. Tanmay Goswami was invited as a chief guest at “Sasyamrutha” Pro...

blog post
Jun 27.2023

Development of ecological...

On 27th June Mr. M Dinesh Nayak Visited Maitreya Ayurve...

blog post
Jul 11.2023

Population Day...

World Population Day aims to draw attention to the importance of population issu...

blog post
Jul 13.2023

Kamika Ekadashi...

Kamika Ekadashi is celebrated on the 11th day (Ekadashi) of the Hindu month of S...

blog post
Jul 17.2023

Somvati Amavasya...

It holds great significance in the Hindu religion, especially when it oc...


Global Organisation for Scientific Validation of Ayurveda Life Sciences.

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