
Literature And Books

GOSVAL - Temple of Total Health

Literature And Books

There is a lot of criticism about jyothishya religious as well as scientific people in this world. Half baked knowledge has led to improper practice of our Vedic scientist namely jyothishya and Ayurveda. Thus tarnishing the image of this sciences and their practitioners. There is no standardization and regulations in the field of jyothishya. In order to bring some order enter the prevailing chaos, it is important to share authentic scientific work with fellow enthusiasts. This book is a contribution to society in enabling practitioners in providing better health. This work is an attempt at providing improved structuring and standardisation. In the book the author have put some effort in explaining the vedic science in the present internationally accepted language. The author have tried to briefly provide modern scientific approach the age old system of diagnosis of health and elements through the nexus between cosmic set up and study of the human body.



Global Organisation for Scientific Validation of Ayurveda Life Sciences.

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